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Showing 1 - 10 of 24 results
It’s about making websites work wherever the web is. Different devices with different sizes and different capabilities. Responsive design is...
It’s an alternative to graceful degradation, which concentrates on the matter of the web. The functionality is same, but it...
In case the component fails, it will continue to work properly in the presence of a graceful degradation. The latest...
A color can be specified in two ways:
1. font-style2. font-variant3. font-weight4. font-size/line-height5. font-family6. caption7. icon8. menu9. message-box10. small-caption11. status-bar
One of the primary advantages of css is that it greatly reduces page load times. Writing multiple properties and their...
In css the user can choose from multiple dimension properties to style an element. The list of css dimension properties...
Image sprites are basically a collection of images put into a single image. A web page can contain multiple images...