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C++ Q/A

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Array uses the index to traverse each of its elements. If A is an array then each of its elements...
A default Parameter is a value that is assigned to each parameter while declaring a function. This value is used if...
In C++, polymorphism refers to the ability of objects of different classes to respond to the same method call in...
The four pillars of OOP, as discussed earlier in this article, are: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Here we’ll cover...
In C++, there are three functions in the cstdlib header file to return the absolute value of the integer. Those...
Private members of the class are not accessible by object or function outside the class. Only functions inside the class...
You can define a friend function as a function that can access private, public and protect members of the class. You declare...
There are various techniques to dynamically assign memory to a 2D array. One approach is outlined below:
In C++, operators can be overloaded to give special meaning to an existing operator for user-defined classes. The following operators...