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C++ Q/A

Showing 11 - 20 of 38 results
conio.h is a C++ header file that provides a collection of functions to read input and output to the console....
In C++, iostream is a header file that is part of the standard library. It defines the standard input/output stream...
A stream in C++ is an abstraction that allows input and output operations. It represents a sequence of characters that...
Type casting in C++ is a way to convert one data type into another. It helps in ensuring compatibility and...
When a function is called with arguments passed by value, copies of the values of the arguments are made and...
In C++, a namespace is a way to group related code under a single name. It helps in organizing code...
An array of elements wherein many elements have a value of zero is called a sparse matrix. For instance, if...
The various OOPs Concepts in C++,
Polymorphism is defined as the presence of several forms. Its function depends greatly upon the circumstances. While we have several...
Equal to (==)  The ‘==’ operator determines whether or not the two operands are equal. If this is the case,...