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C++ Q/A

Showing 31 - 38 of 38 results
Structure Class Members of the structure are always by default public mode Members of the class can be in private,...
C C++ It is a procedural programming language. In simple words, it does not support classes and objects It is...
Data Types in C++ are Mainly Divided into 3 Types:  1. Primitive Data Types: These data types are built-in or...
a. Function overloading :– The capability of C++ to define several functions of the same name with different sets of...
The biggest benefits of proper inheritance are :1. Substitutability2. Extensibility. 1. Substitutability :The objects of a properly derived class can...
C++ is a most popular cross-platform programming language which is used to create high-performance applications and software like OS, Games,...
The only difference between a class and struct are the access modifiers. Struct members are public by default; class members...