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java Q/A

Showing 1 - 10 of 31 results
Processes Threads Process is related to execution of a program . Process consists of multiple threds. Processes communicate with each...
There are four types of Access modifiers:
Local variable Instance variable Local variable is declared inside a method or constructor. It can be declared within a block...
A transient variable would not be serialized even if the class to which it belongs is serialized. Sample class which...
Volatile variable values can be modified by different threads. They will never have the chance to block and hold a lock....
When an object is passed by value, this means that a copy of the object is passed. Thus, even if...
Java provides and supports the creation of both the abstract classes and interfaces. Both implementations share some common characteristics, but they differ...
Java does not support multiple inheritance. Each class is able to extend only on one class but is able to...
Java does support copy constructors like C++, but the difference lies in the fact that Java does not create a...
The constructor overloading is similar to method overloading in Java. Different constructors can be created for a single class. Each...