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Python Q/A

Showing 21 - 30 of 115 results
Let’s say we have two tuples like this -> tup1 = (1,”a”,True) tup2 = (4,5,6) Concatenation of tuples means that...
List and tuple are data structures in Python that may store one or more objects or values. Using square brackets, you may...
Think of scope as the father of a family; every object works within a scope. A formal definition would be...
Flask is an open-source web framework. Flask is a set of tools, frameworks, and technologies for building online applications. A web page,...
Local variables are declared inside a function and have a scope that is confined to that function alone, whereas global...
A Python module is a collection of Python commands and definitions in a single file. In a module, you may...
PYTHONPATH is an environment variable that allows the user to add additional folders to the sys.path directory list for Python....
In Python, a namespace is a system that assigns a unique name to each and every object. A variable or...
PEP 8, often known as PEP8 or PEP-8, is a document that outlines best practices and recommendations for writing Python...
An interpreter takes your code and executes (does) the actions you provide, produces the variables you specify, and performs a...