AngularJS is one of the most popular, open-source, JavaScript-based frameworks, developed by Google, that was mainly built for developing large-scale, enterprise-level, dynamic, single-page web applications. AngularJS uses HTML as its main template language and uses its syntax for representing the application’s components such as directives. AngularJS is used mainly for writing client-side logic using the combined power of JavaScript and MVC architecture. This combined power results in the creation of easily maintainable, cross-browser-compatible enterprise-level web applications.
The main features of AngularJS are listed below:
- Applications developed in AngularJS are testable.
- Data-binding − AngularJS provides the most important feature of data binding which facilitates the synchronization of data between the model and the view components in the framework.
- Controller − AngularJS is built on JavaScript components and the JavaScript functions bound to scope are called controllers.
- Services − AngularJS has many in-built services such as $http which helps in making XMLHttpRequests and AJAX calls.
- Scope − AngularJS provides special objects called Scope which refer to the models and is a glue between the view and the controller.
- Filters − AngularJS supports several in-built filters as well as provides the ability to define custom filters that aid in subsetting the array items and filtering based on required conditions.
- Directives − Directives represent the markers of the DOM elements like attributes, elements, CSS, etc. They are used for creating custom HTML tags that act as widgets. AngularJS supports in-built directives like ngBind, ngModel, ngHide, etc, and also supports the creation of user-defined directives to achieve code reusability.
- Routing − Routing is the most important concept supported by AngularJS that involves switching of the views based on any condition.
- MVC pattern − MVC pattern also stands for Model-View-Controller pattern is followed by AngularJS that helps it allocate responsibilities appropriately. Model does the task of managing the application data. Views do the task of displaying the application data and the controllers act as an interface between the Model and View to implement application logic.
- Dependency Injection − AngularJS was mainly created to demonstrate the feature of dependency injection. This feature helps developers to develop, maintain and test applications easily by defining the interactions and resolving the dependencies between various components.