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HomeInterviewWhat is the use of constructors and destructors in PHP?
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What is the use of constructors and destructors in PHP?

Constructors are special methods in PHP that are automatically invoked at the time of object creation. Their primary purpose is to initialize the object’s properties and perform any necessary setup tasks. Constructors are particularly useful for ensuring that an object is in a valid and usable state upon instantiation. They allow developers to define and set initial values for the object’s properties or perform other initialization logic. By using constructors, the object can be properly configured and ready to be utilized immediately.

Destructors are automatically invoked when an object goes out of scope. Their primary objective is to execute cleanup operations prior to the object’s destruction and the subsequent release of its memory. Destructors prove valuable in releasing resources, closing database connections, and performing any essential cleanup tasks. Through the implementation of destructors, developers can ensure the proper management and release of resources when they are no longer needed, effectively preventing memory leaks and other potential issues.


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